About Me


Normal fun loving guy. A day dreamer. Very friendly and caring. Loves computers and always wanna try out new things for a change.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dreams - The Inbuilt Entertainment

We all dream while sleeping and there are few like me, who dream in the day light.

No one knows the real secret behind dreams. Some are good and some are bad. Some of them are those that we really want to experience, while there are some that just spring's up from our subconscious mind.

Dreams that come out of nowhere, gives us a first hand experience of how things can be. They can be about places that we haven't been before or about people whom we have never met.

Then why do we get such dreams, that we are not interested in. Some dreams are so scary that they almost make us sweat.

People say "Dreams do come true". I do agree with them only up to a certain point. A dream is like a fuel that drives our motivation. It motivates our subconscious mind that this thing is possible.

Dreams take you a step closer to possible reality. Our body mechanism is such that once our subconscious mind is taught something, then it slowly makes us do that work without our knowledge. We feel as though, the decision of doing this work, is of our own.

Dreams are like visual clips of near to possible realities.

I don't know how many of you have felt this irritation, especially when you are ill and you have a severe headache. You see things that you like the most, in a repeated fast forward manner. It's like as though your smooth running dream has got stuck somewhere, in the middle and its not moving forward.

You start getting irritated , restless and discomfort stops you from sleeping. It gets worse when the entire night you can't sleep because of this reason. You start shifting your position and press your head hard, to relax but of no use. The moment you open your eyes its fine, as soon as you close it starts again.

A dream is our inbuilt entertainment system, gifted to us, by our 'Mother Nature'. It gives us high definition, real life experience of enjoying and feeling things that we can't even imagine in our real life.

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